Cosa sono le misure di conservazione?
Le misure di conservazione sono lo strumento più efficace e importante con cui tuteliamo specie e habitat di interesse unionale.
Gli Stati membri stabiliscono le misure di conservazione che implicano all'occorrenza appropriati piani di gestione e le opportune misure di tre tipologie:
Conservation measures are the most effective and important tool which allows species and habitat protection. Member States shall establish the necessary conservation measures involving, if need be, appropriate management plans and three types of appropriate measures:
1. Statutory measures: prohibitions and obligations related to activities which may threat the conservation status of species and habitats.
2. Administrative measures: permits, prescriptions, orders and other administrative acts focussed on single elements of the site, issued by its management authority or by other administrative public bodies.
3. Contractual measures: agreements between public authorities and/or private bodies to implement participatory management processes and activities.